The Top 3 Reasons To Choose A Fireplace Insert For Your Home.
Ventless gas fireplace inserts are a great option for homeowners wanting to spruce up their fireplace or reduce their workload. Here are the top three reasons why they’re great:
1 Gas Fireplace Inserts Are More Efficient.
Fireplace inserts that run on gas are much more efficient than traditional wood fireplaces. This means that most of the gas is actually converted into heat, with much less waste. Vented units can burn at up to 80% efficiency (compared to 10~20% of traditional wood fireplaces) and ventless units still offer a major boost.
This efficiency makes them better at heating rooms to higher temperatures consistently. Many of them come with remotes for easy adjustment, and some even include apps that allow you to adjust from your phone.
2 Inserts Are More Attractive.
Fireplace inserts come in so many styles and sizes that you’re sure to find the perfect fit for your home. You can choose logs that mimic several tree varieties, or choose something more rustic such as stone or coal. Modern inserts are almost indistinguishable from the real thing, featuring super pigmented colors and realistic char and splitting details.
In addition to the logs inside, fireplace inserts also offer flexibility with the arrangement of flames, as well as options for the outer face. Most inserts feature gorgeous fixed glass panels, and ventless units can opt for metal screens instead.
3 Inserts Are Much Easier To Use And Maintain.
One of the main benefits of switching from a traditional wood burning fireplace to a gas fireplace insert is that you no longer have to split wood (or buy it). Splitting wood is tiring, time consuming and takes a toll on the body–and the cost of pre-split wood adds up quickly.
With gas inserts, you simply schedule regular gas deliveries and live worry free. And that’s not to mention the space you’ll free up when you get rid of those piles of logs!
Euliss Propane Is Your North Carolina Supplier Of Gas Fireplace Inserts.
Contact us today or visit our live-burning showroom to learn more about our offering of top fireplace inserts and gas log sets. We have several options available and would be happy to help you make the right choice.