Optimize Your Comfort & Safety With Routine Space Heater Maintenance.

Space heater maintenance is crucial in ensuring optimal performance and safety within your North Carolina home. These routine check-ups enhance their performance and keep your family safe against potential hazards so you can have peace of mind year-round.

At Euliss, our customers’ safety and satisfaction are our top priorities. That’s why we offer a space heater service plan for all our customers to enroll in.

Our Space Heater Maintenance Program Puts Your Mind At Ease.

Join our lead service technician, Jon, as he walks you through our space heater maintenance program and what a space heater service appointment looks like when you work with Euliss Propane. Please note that this is not a How-To video; this video is to familiarize you with what our technicians do when they service your space heater!

Hello, I’m Jon Mitchell with Euliss Propane here in Liberty, North Carolina, and today I’m going to talk about our space heater maintenance program.

This is not a How To video, this is just to get you more familiar with what services we provide and what we will be doing when we service your heater. When we service your heater, we will clean the burner and the pilot assembly, replace any batteries in the igniter or remotes like the pilot, and test the system. We will also perform a elite test and a safety check of the whole system.

A clean heater burns more efficiently, thus saving you money. With this service, we’ll light your pilot and get your heater ready for winter. We will also educate you on your system and explain to you how it works and address any questions you may have. Yearly maintenance, along with safety and leak checks, keep you safe and ready for the upcoming weather.

When Euliss technicians come to your home to service your propane space heater, they will clean the burner and pilot light assembly.

The technician will replace any batteries in the igniter or remotes, like the pilot. Our technicians will also perform tests and a safety check of your home’s system.

Yearly maintenance and leak checks keep you and your family safe and ready for winter weather.

Euliss’s Legacy Of Service & Dedication Since 1952.

For over 70 years, Euliss has provided exceptional service and affordable energy to our customers in central North Carolina. Our dedication to excellence has been the cornerstone of our company – it’s what defines the Euliss experience. By hiring the best people to support our customers, we guarantee that you will receive top-notch service and enjoy your experience working with us. Ready to get started? Contact our team today.

Euliss Propane - Your Local Space Heater Company.

Has Your Space Heater Been Serviced This Winter?